Saturday, February 16, 2013

That Black Hole Named Pitch Perfect

Pitch Perfect.  You all know what i'm talking about right?  Because everyone and their dog has seen Pitch Perfect at least 7 times.  At least that is what it seems like.  But just to clarify, I am not bashing Pitch Perfect. Actually, I love the movie!  I think it is incredibly hilarious and happen to sing the songs quite loudly   and   off key  perfectly every single day in my car!  As soon as my sister gets in the car she automatically knows to plug her ipod in and turn it to Pitch Perfect.
At times I feel as if my life has turned into a Pitch Perfect musical.  And that is the problem.  (Now it is time for me to bash the completely unoriginal and insipid half of humanity.)  Because lesbihonest here, there is a problem.  Let me explain.  The whole of society has been caught up in Pitch Perfect.  And once you're there you can never get out; It is a black hole.  It is impossible to walk down the street without hearing someone talk about this movie.  Literally every single conversation is laced with Pitch Perfect quotes/references.  My little town of Cedar has been sucked into the black hole; and I am afraid it will never come out.    There is probably now a Pitch Perfect religion, leaving the LDS church in the dust with it's new-found minority status.
Now, don't get me wrong, at first it was fun to quote the movie and have everyone laugh and think you were pretty awesome.  But now it has just become tiresome.  At times i feel myself wishing I was a bear so I could hibernate and sleep past this fad.  But than I think, why a bear?  Why couldn't I just wish to live in another country for 6 months until it is past? Because it is a plague.  One that will soon dominate the whole world. It has even taken over Pinterest.  And that's when you know it is acca-serious. But for the sake of everyone else, I hope it just stays rooted in Cedar, even though I am left festering in it's obnoxiousness.  Because that is how much I care about all of you.  
So just a warning to anyone planning to visit Cedar, if you can't find it than we are still stuck inside a black hole.  Or if you do find it, be sure to bring some other movies with awesome quotes to protect yourself with.
But if you do get infected, at least you wont have Herpes.  (Or do you have that as well?)

Crushed it.

1 comment:

  1. I must be living under a rock because I still have not seen Pitch Perfect! I've heard it is hilarious and just might have to watch it soon!
