Friday, July 6, 2012

Just Another Day at the Adair House...

If you didn't know already, there is ALWAYS something going on at my house.  We always have something going on in the backyard and are constantly having people over.  Well todays adventure was Mike and Smith running around the yard with construction stilts on.  It was actually really funny to watch!! But they did fall on their faces a few times, which unfortunately was really funny as well and made me laugh really hard. (oh come on, you would have laughed as well!)  And Crew even tried them on and walked around! Sooo Cute!

Summer Evenings

I love Summer! I love every part of it!  Playing ball in the backyard, sitting on the back porch, eating tiki shak, summer evenings, perfect weather, movie nights EVERY night, sleeping in, NO SCHOOL, etc.  Seriously the list could go on and on.

A few weeks ago my family decided to eat dinner on the back porch.  The sun was just about to set and the weather was amazing!  Here are a few pics.

And my personnel favorite.... 

I will for sure be moving somewhere with nice weather so I can do this with my family.  Because honestly, this is what life is all about.

Adair Farm

It's been awhile.  A little too long actually.  But finally i am back, with lots of pictures to offer as my apology.

So everyone knows about the famous Adair Farm.  How animals are constantly coming and going.  Well to everyone in AZ, here is our dog Ranger. (Yes, JoDee finally gave in)

But get this.  We don't just have 1 dog.  We have 2.  And she's a girl.  Seriously, what has the world come too.  Her name is Phoebe and she's an incredibly adorable lab/hound mix.
Here is Baylee with Phoebe

Phoebe trying to give Crew a kiss

And Look, I even have a picture of Andee(amazing right! oh and ignore the scary eyeliner)

I guess we'll just have to wait and see what kind of critter comes next.