Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Music is a huge part of my life and pretty much always will be.  It stirs up emotions in me that I didn't know even existed; which all those who know me will agree, is saying a lot.  I just love the fact that it can touch people in a way that nothing else can.  Anyway, every week I find a new "favorite" song.  One that ill listen to over and over again, driving everyone around me crazy in the process.  And this weeks song is "Hallelujah" by Kate Voegele.  Okay, I know what you're thinking; everyone has already heard this song a million times and don't really feel like making it a million and 1. I understand, I really do, but don't completely shoot me down yet.  Because for some reason, when I head this song, it hooked me.  It was like I physically could not stop listening to this song.  So, even though I'm probably just crazy, please humour me and give it a shot.  Then let me know what you think after.

Why the Blog?

So, if anyone read my profile you might have gotten a small understanding of the nature of this blog.  It's about finding me.  For the past few years I have forgotten what life is really all about; getting sucked into a dull and bleak routine.  But no more.  Its's time to "take the bull by the horns," or ears,(sorry, private joke) and get my life back.  Because I'm sick of letting life pass me by without embracing the many things it has to offer.  So, ultimately, this blog is about breaking free and capturing the joys of everyday life.

Well, I guess all that's left to do is see if I can keep up on posting; which at the moment doesn't seem very likely.  So to give myself a little boost, I say, "Good luck Andee, good luck."