Friday, November 16, 2012

Politics: Who gives a Damn.

I am sick of hearing about politics.  I am tired of listening to people complain and state that they are now "moving to Canada" or that "even China would be better than this."  Enough with the whining. How about we just all move to Colorado where we wouldn't have to worry about all of this anymore???

But seriously,  It has been over a week and a half since the presidential elections.  It's done, Obama won, and there is nothing we can do about it.  Honestly people, shut your traps and get over it!  Our country is not going to explode from a nuclear bomb and frankly, I'm so sick of hearing about politics that I would probably welcome an apocalypses just so there would be something else to talk about.  I mean we had to suffer through six months of watching commercials that were basically worse than the sound of nails on a chalkboard.  Why drag that torture on for longer than necessary?  I am tempted to move to Canada just to escape from these idiots who call themselves patriotic yet only succeed in helping divide this nation.

Because, regardless of what the title says, I do care about this country and it's future.  And the only way for America to stay strong is to form together, and support the man who was elected as our President.  Even if you don't agree with our President, pull up your britches and do what is needed of you in order to keep our country intact.

(but seriously, when can we go to Colorado??)

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