Friday, July 6, 2012

Just Another Day at the Adair House...

If you didn't know already, there is ALWAYS something going on at my house.  We always have something going on in the backyard and are constantly having people over.  Well todays adventure was Mike and Smith running around the yard with construction stilts on.  It was actually really funny to watch!! But they did fall on their faces a few times, which unfortunately was really funny as well and made me laugh really hard. (oh come on, you would have laughed as well!)  And Crew even tried them on and walked around! Sooo Cute!


  1. Yeah you do live at the party house! Love the posts and the pic of you and the dog! Keep it up!

  2. So reminds me of being at your house! There is definitely always something going on! And I loved your last post - I totally agree - I love living somewhere where the summer has the nice weather where you can have dinner on the back porch! Come live in Montana with us!
