Friday, June 1, 2012

Harder than I thought. + Im Sexy

So it turns out that it's harder to blog than I thought.  I mean, I knew that I would have a hard time but I had also hoped that I would be a little better at posting things.  Because it has seriously only been one week and I can't get myself to post anything else.  Which, frankly, is just a little sad.  But fear not, because I am not giving up!  I will wear my fingers to the bone typing and I will blog even if it kills me!(which it honestly might do.)
But unfortunately, I don't have my camera with me so I can't show you the pictures I've taken of what's been going on at my house.  So those extremely exciting posts will have to wait for tomorrow.  And until then, everyone will just have to suffer through this less meaningful and interesting post.

I have found my new song of the week.  You've all heard "Im Sexy and I Know It" by LMFAO right?  You know, those 2 crazy dudes with afros?

Anyway, this is a really hilarious and fun song and is awesome to dance to, but it is also played on the radio ALL THE TIME!  No Joke.  It is literally like they have it on repeat all day long; I hear it over and over and over again.  Are you catching my drift?  Or am I not being obvious enough that this song can get on my nerves at times?  But just in case you have never heard the original, here it is. (p.s. im not posting the original music video because its a little inappropriate and kind of disgusting, just fyi)

So there you have it.  Anyway lets get to the real meat of this post.  The other day I was browsing Pinterest(my sad sad addiction) and came across an amazing cover of this song!  This guy called Noah(he's on youtube and does a lot of other great songs) totally re-arranged and re-did the whole song!  This guy is AMAZING!!  He did so good and the song is so impressive; probably better than the original. So please watch, it is totally worth your time.
Here is the "Im Sexy and I Know It" Cover by Noah


  1. Everytime I hear this song it reminds me of Michael M. The hubs says it's his song! lol!

  2. I totally didn't expect that powerful voice to come out of that guy - loved it! And I'm proud of you for posting...even though you now have me cUrious about your pictures. Can't wait to see!

  3. yes sorry its only been songs or pointless things lately. theyre pretty much just there to buy me some time haha. ill put everything on today or tomorrow.
