Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Why the Blog?

So, if anyone read my profile you might have gotten a small understanding of the nature of this blog.  It's about finding me.  For the past few years I have forgotten what life is really all about; getting sucked into a dull and bleak routine.  But no more.  Its's time to "take the bull by the horns," or ears,(sorry, private joke) and get my life back.  Because I'm sick of letting life pass me by without embracing the many things it has to offer.  So, ultimately, this blog is about breaking free and capturing the joys of everyday life.

Well, I guess all that's left to do is see if I can keep up on posting; which at the moment doesn't seem very likely.  So to give myself a little boost, I say, "Good luck Andee, good luck."


  1. Are you high or did someone hack your account and is posing as you? New day, new Andee? I'm excited!

    1. Am I high? really? haha, no i just decided why not. its time for something different and why not write about it.

  2. I am glad to see you do this. Life is too short and you need to enjoy even the simple things. I miss you Andee!!!! Love ya!
